Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thursday: Things I'm Lovin

All About Aiden...Always

#1 Burnt Toast!  *Ah*  I have always liked my toast on the more crisp side.  I like it to taste toasted.  Then smear on the lots of butter, hate jelly.  But recently, when I make toast, I make sure it is toasted to my liking.  In other words, I stand over the toaster to watch the bread cook.  lol.  It tastes great!  Sometimes I will just make toast and eat it like I used to...before I knew how bad the carbs in bread were for you.  Probably a pregnancy thing, I wouldn't call it a weird craving, BUT hilarious nonetheless.  It is a craving though.  Most days I want it right after I workout (odd, huh?), so I make Gracie wait to go on our walk until I have my toast.  Those of you who don't know..Gracie barks really loudly at me when she wants a walk.  She looks at you and prances right over to her leash and doesn't give up until she gets what she wants.  G will even follow you around barking just to make sure you know exactly what she's talking about.  She doesn't like to wait for my toast.

#2  Arizona Weather.  Since I posted about Chicago last time, I thought I'd post about something I will desperately miss from AZ.  I live a mile high.  On average, we are 10 to 20 degrees cooler than Pheonix and usually 10 to 15 degrees warmer than Flagstaff.  It's perfect.  We are right in the middle. We get snow in the winter that lasts for a day, then the sun is out melting it away.  There's honestly around 350 days a year of sunshine.  As I speak, we've had three cloudy days in a row due to storms, but that rarely happens.  Even on these days though, the sun finds its time to shine.  I love it.  We are surrounded by mountains (not huge ones, but bigger than the ones in  It's the high desert.  It's great b/c most people have no clue about this climate.  Yet, I ended up here (thanks, Mike).  The picture is of our can see the skyline.  Right now, wearing a hoody and jeans is needed in the evening hours. But shorts and t-shirts can still be rocked in the middle of a nice day and at the (outdoor) gym.  It will be missed.  I am most definitely not ready for a Chicago winter, but I will be...I have to be!

That's all for week will be better- PROMISE :)

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh! Love it. It will be nice to see Prescott one more time before you guys leave. :)
