Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Love n' Marriage

I attended a bridal shower this past weekend.  Instead of writing 'advice for the bride' on a card, we said them out loud.  Mine might have come across the wrong way...and I could honestly careless.  There was something someone else said that came across to me as strange (as I'm sure others thought mine was strange).  A woman said something along the lines of, "the love you feel for your children is a much, much, much different love than you will ever feel for your husband."  And maybe in my mind it's twisted in the wrong way.  But I pray to God...I don't know...I guess I pray I never compare the two.  That I just feel each as a different entity and each fulfills me.

My love for Michael has done nothing but grow.  It has multiplied by infinity.  I cannot put into words how we have grown and changed together in the past couple of months.  Our long distance period was trying...I mean, give us a break, I was pregnant, overly hormonal, and alone, he was also alone, living out of a hotel and reliving the 'student' life of studying nonstop in a high pressure situation.  Our relationship was never compromised, but we joke that the pregnancy was easy b/c he wasn't around, and ultimately leaving him not a part of more than a few long, lonely months.  When I moved to Chicago, our relationship re-took off.  Almost how it did when I moved to Arizona from Kansas.  This time we were married.  I don't feel as if our future or marriage was in jeopardy or that he was a poor husband.  It was just tough.  And now...my heart is extremely full.  My life is without a doubt the best it has ever been.

Yes, the wedding was a dream come true.  P.E.R.F.E.C.T. As was the honeymoon.  Getting pregnant seemed too good to be true (too easy?).  Pregnancy was also easy (dare I admit that?).  Labor/Delivery was rough.  Bringing our baby girl home and adjusting to our new life...a breeze.  I guess we were just ready.  Although, there are always those folk that tell us we are missing out.  That we should be traveling the world and just enjoying each other.  Hate to break it to ya...but we are enjoying each other the most we have ever enjoyed each other right now.  Reread the first line of this paragraph.  I didn't think life got much better than the wedding..the week before...and the week after.  We've truly been THIS HAPPY for a really long time.  Crazy how life works out.  Don't get me wrong.  A baby takes a spin on life (you should see my six pack now...sad face) and there are times we have said out loud with huge smiles on our faces, "man, life was more simple before she came along."  Because it was.  The end.  Now when we prepare for a pizza night with the family, our checklist of things we need is MUCH longer :)

And I'm just grazing over the postpartum ordeal.  That's was not easy the  first couple weeks (more importantly the first few days)...I didn't believe those around me who said it'd get easier.  And luckily, I'm now, past that.  Whew!

Michael is an amazing father.  Already.  The kid beams with joy every time he sees his baby girl.  Since Addison and I traveled alone on our way home from Arizona, we were able to meet him in the airport before he took off on his first flight of the day.  (The man picks up overtime on his off days to provide for us...but tries his hardest to be home at night to be with Addie and help me out.)  We ran into him as you would any passerby in the airport terminal.  But his face lit up.  My heart skipped a beat.  Our peanut was fast asleep (finally), but he couldn't wait to hold her.  There's something about my husband in his uniform...he is living his dream...he's flying airplanes as an official career.  He is so handsome. Him in his uniform is pure achievement.

Hun, you are still my rock.  My love for you has multiplied more than I ever imagine possible.  Thank you for all you do day in and day out.  Thank you for working your tail off.  Thank you for being an amazing father.  Thank you for loving me just the way I need.  And lastly, thank you for being you, my husband.  I guess we have our lucky stars to thank for bringing us together once upon a time.


And here we are babe...livin' the dream <3


1 comment:

  1. Very, very sweet Heather. So glad you're back to blogging!
