Friday, August 26, 2011

Two Home Days

Thank you, Lord for only making the work week Monday through Friday.  I do not believe I'd make it another bloody day <3

I mean that with every ounce of my body...and believe me there are plenty of ounces these days.  I am ready for work to find a normal schedule.  To have my assistant and know what to expect.  I am ready to know my curriculum and be efficient in preparing for the week ahead.  Oh the woes of a new teacher.  I'm exhausted in the worse sense.  I feel like I'm a bad Mom.

I feel once things feel the least bit normal, I can get back into my workout regimen.  I desperately need it in my life.   I eat pretty good.  But like every working woman, I succumb to the easiness that is poor food choices more often than I'd like to admit.

Pat, my mother-in-law has been in town this week.  It's been great having her here.  Taking care of Addie and spending some quality solo time with her.  Mike picked up over time on Wednesday, so it's be such a luxury to us to have her here.  Just wish she lived closer.  OR....we lived there (yup, I still miss AZ!).

The weather has had a cool breeze.  It's been wonderful.  Mosquitos on the other hand...not wonderful at all.  What's their purpose on this planet?  Ugh!  I haven't been eaten up...but I fear of going outside past almost sun down with Addison in fear of her being eaten alive!

Here's to TWO...did you see that TWO WHOLE DAYS....HOME with my baby girl.  You have no idea how excited I am.  She's HUGE.  5 month post is next....stay tunned

1 comment:

  1. The eating healthy thing is so much harder when you work and even harder with a baby I'm sure. Don't worry Heather, you'll find your routine and everything will start getting "normal". I think really you just adapt to your new normal. :) Have a fun weekend w/ Miss Addie. We miss you guys and really can't wait to see you guys!!!!!

    Jenny ;)
