Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I've Got 20

20 minutes until you wake up- most likely.  20,000 things on my mind.  20 things I know I need to post.

Ah!  Work has swallowed my life!  What I'd give to be a stay-at-home mom still.  Geesh!  I do love my seems to get better every day.  Especially today when Addison had a great day with minimal crying.  Yayyy!  It honest to goodness makes it acceptable for me to go to work.  She's only there two days a week.  Which makes us lucky (for price sake) and unlucky (for routine/comfort sake).  However, you cannot have the best of both worlds.

Today I'm bummed b/c Mike picked up overtime to help pay the bills and it kicked us in the butt.  He got put onto another overnight. Ugh!  Hello, American Eagle, my husband is only home for 3 days a week.  We need the extra dinero to make ends meet, so he helps you out.  So, why does he get stuck being away from his family for a whole extra night?  Arg!

Teaching is going good.  We have six new students starting in my class Monday and we FINALLY get to open my classroom!  Wooo hooo!  I have an assistant teacher who started this week and I think we will make a great team.  It is super crazy/busy/hectic/stressful at times, but it's what I do Mon-Fri 8-5!  Oi.  I have never and I repeat never worked this much in my life.  I am one lucky girl.

Addie I is Addie I.  Her same old, wonderful, happy, perfect self.  I absolutely cannot believe she's 21 weeks tomorrow. Holy moly lil' mama!

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