Sunday, December 19, 2010

I Miss You

Man, does the holiday spirit make me miss my man.  I keep the radio set on the Christmas station and every time I hear 'Let It Snow' I smile and think of him in Chicago.  I want to be there *so* insanely bad.  I want to know, to feel, how bad he's freezing instead of just hearing it on the phone.  I want to register for a Lamaze class with him, in Chicago.  Every time the baby kicks, I want him to be able to feel it.  I want to not stress about what's going to happen come February and be able to just enjoy the last trimester of my pregnancy.  'Tis the season for 'I wants' I guess, but these are different wants to me.  I'm just a first time prego over this long distance deal :)  Hopefully, whoever dealt me these cards realizes that I deserve a much better hand- stat!

Sundays have turned into my sappy days.  And I am alright with that.  It's the end of the weekend.  Back to work and the 'real' life on Monday.  Plus, they were always days and especially evenings I got to hang out with Michael.  It's tough.  The good thing is that come Monday morning, I always feel better.

HAPPY 6 MONTH ANNIVERSARY to my wonderful husband!!  Can't believe how much has happened/how far we have come in just six months.  It's surreal.  I'd still relive our wedding day every weekend if I could.  Most amazing day of my life.  I love you!

I thought this cartoon was funny. Mike is not insensitive/inconsiderate by any means.  However, I'm emotional and sappy, so it works.  Ha!
Seriously though, hun, "All I Want For Christmas, Is YOU!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. The cartoon was made for you. :) I think the more challenging it is now is a sign of how awesome it will be in the future!
