Yayyy for the first day of 2010 : )
We have 169 days left to go till our Bid Day. Jenny helped me out a bunch over break. First off, we went to a 'paper warehouse' called Palmers. FYI to any bride-to-be: try to find one in your area...or something like it. Everything is at the wholesale price and they were FABULOUS! We know what our favors are going to be and I have a specific idea for invitations, so visitng this place was a dream come true. I am so thankful Jenny took us!
Invitations might be a pain, but I hope they look cute. I am going to order different pieces from stores online...of course, not the same place b/c why would they want to make my life easier and provide everything I want in the correct colors? I am thinking an assembly line of good friends and a couple bottles of wine...some music and some snacks. Who's in? I hope to get these out in a 'timely' manner...since the Save-the-Dates (STDs) were slightly behind my schedule! I also need the # of folks that can attend b/c I am anxious to do table arrangements and order the favors. Once I have that #, I believe things will run more sommthly and time will fly by (not that it already hasn't!). We need to adress centerpiece ideas and will hopefully figure out those after I ordered the parts for the invitations.
Saying 2010...starting 2010...it all freaks me out. Everytime I say those words my heart beats faster...just breathe, Heather. I am excited...overly excited...out of my mind excited : )
Mike and I had a wonderful Christmas. Next year, I'd love to have ALL our family together. Just don't know if that will happen, but we are going to try. Maybe place tickets for Chritmas gifts...who am I kidding, we'd have to start saving now. We got new luggage, which was MUCH needed, several items off our registry- woo hoo, and a digital photoframe that I cannot wait to 'assemble' when we finally get home. It was a longer break than usual, which was nice. Thanks to Lauren (and Kendra for covering me!) for letting me off work. I treasured the time with my family. We are blessed...and extremely thankful.
We had a low key New Years Eve at home with his parents. It was great spending time with them since we didn't get to spend Christmas with them (which is also his dad's brithday). We popped some champagne and had a smooch. Then went to bed : ) Oh how the times have changed (right, Mag?). We woke up this morning, had a wonderful breakfast with mimosas...side note: we bought 3 bottles of champagne b/c it was on sale and thought maybe we'd get 'crazy' and drink all of them, nope, we were wrong and only drank one! Now his mom is cooking us prime rib, baked tatoes, crab legs, spin dip, veggies, and rolls. Another fabulous dinner and my last 'splurge' for a good while. Back to the zone and CF I go!! I cannot wait to step foot in the gym!!
If money grew on trees we'd be visiting Kansas and Chicago, but it doesn't and we are trying to spend as little money as possible until June 19th. However, we may not be spending much money after that b/c there's a chance we stick around Prescott for awhile. And so there's a chance we will be buying our first home. I have no desire to raise a family in Prescott nor spend too much of my time there, but we have to go where Mike finds a job and what's best for him. I'll take one for the team. Then later down the road, I can be a stay at home mom!
Hope 2009 treated you all well and 2010 brings you the joy and happiness to make you complete! Cheers.
arden rae | a birth story
6 years ago
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