Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wonderful Weekend

This past weekend was nothing short of amazing.  M was in town, at HOME for the first time in 8 weeks.  He got to see our G, sleep in our bed, and do our normal things.  It was truly wonderful.  Friday we spent the day in Phoenix with his parents.  We took a nap and watched Elf...literally just relaxed.  Then we planned a dinner out at Four Peaks Brewery.  This is the same place we planned our engagement dinner- it's very yummy.  Bar atmosphere, loads of beer, and great bar food.  So this was a congratulations dinner for Michael on his new job, for us on the baby, and a good-bye Arizona dinner all in one!  Sad thing is...I didn't get a single picture :(  Super sad face!

Saturday we spent the day just being us.  It was great.  We ran errands, ate every meal together, and went to a movie, which we never do.  Of course, Chicago was having a terrible winter storm on Sunday.  We got up at 4:30 am to drive M back down to Phoenix to catch a flight.  His flight was 3 hours delayed and the only flight that American flew out that day.  But he got a seat- whew!  And was able to get a little settled, unpacked, repacked and reporting to Dallas on Monday.  This is the beginning of his crazy traveling lifestyle...wah, yay. and blah all at the same time :)
I love this 2010 ornament- given to us from my Grandma Knowles {Thanks again!}.

Fun news:  Michael did his first airline landing today!  How exciting!!  Again, I am SO proud of him.  He has really done a lot and been through a lot these past 8+ weeks.  He deserves this.  We love our pilot!

I got to crafting last week...I made my first hair bow.  And IF we have a little girl in this belly, it will be her first hair bow as well.  I plan on attaching it to her hat when she leaves/is in the hospital.  Super fun!  I didn't purchase too many excess materials b/c there's a 50% chance I don't make very many bows within the next year.
It's pretty cute if I don't say so myself :)

I've started panicking about the unknown (again).  I am a planner.  I want my baby's room to be ready for the arrival.  I want to live in the same city as my husband.  I want to be at least semi settled into our new home when I go into labor.  BUT I have NO IDEA if any of the above will be happening.  As I grow closer and closer to January and the beginning of 2011, I start to get anxiety.  I would have never thought this would be happening to me.  An unplanned room, an unplanned move, an unplanned labor/birth, an unknown gender, our first child (all is unknown there!), get the picture.

Tomorrow is my glucose test.  FREAKY!  Who in their right mind would make a pregnant woman fast?  Even for 12 hours?  This is insanity.  I wake up starving every day.  But when 8 am rolls around I will be chugging a sugar syrup, waiting for an hour, getting my blood drawn, and then eating breakfast.  Who does that?  Geesh!

Also, I read a little more on baby B this week.  As of right now, the way the lungs are working, he or she could be born and would have a much, much, much higher survival rate.  That helps me sleep at night.  Oh!  Speaking of...EVERY dream I had last night was vivid.  And about labor/delivery.  They say in the books I've read that dreams get more vivid and easier to remember the next day.  Although I cannot remember what I wanted to tell Michael 30 seconds ago, I can remember my dreams.  In my dreams, there isn't a boy or girl more often.  I have a dream about a boy and I have a dream about a girl.  Kinda strange.  I've had heartburn every day this week.  I get it after I eat random stuff...normal stuff...even when I haven't eaten, but it's time to eat.  Ugh!  Hoping this is just a weekly phase...and not for the next 13 weeks!  The baby is also moving A LOT lately.  I wanted to make note of this b/c it's not just when I'm resting or's anytime, anywhere!

Sorry for the wordy post..I will be better next week :)


  1. Can't wait to see the bow you made! How cute. I used to make hair clips...not very cute but festive! :)

  2. LOVE the hair bow. That is just too cute!!!!

  3. omg omg the hair bow is SOOOOO CUTE!!!
